haa...semalam(10.10.06) aku buka puasa kat MYDIN USJ. dekat je dgn ofis, kat belakang jer. mulanya ingat nak pergi mkn kat tesco shah alam lagi... tapi ntah... nak tukar mood pulak, nak try makanan kat Rasa Village, MYDIN USJ tu. jadinya semalam aku mkn nasi kerabu kuning dan bini aku mkn nasi kerabu biasa. lauk ayam... ok la, bagus jugak dia ada sediakan kurma tanpa biji...ok la. hehehe.. 2 nasi tu harganya RM10. agak mahal jugak la pada aku, tapi nama pun nak try.... so, just try saja la... after berbuka tu macam biasa singgah kat market beli barang sket. apa yg aku ralat sket semalam masa berbuka tu, mmg ada tv kat situ.. tapi dia pegi tayang M-channel.... means MYDIN-channel.... so mmg takde la dgr azan... terpaksa aku call adik aku suh dia miss call bila dah masuk waktu... patutnya kena peka la kan... sekurang-kurangnya umumkan la yg waktu berbuka dah masuk. ini takder... senyappp jer.... dah asyik makan sampai aku lupa nak snap gambar... hehehehe... mintak maap je la yer... kekekeke
yesterday(10.10.06), went out to break fast at MYDIN USJ. it is just behind our office.. firstly, thought of going to break fast at tesco, but just wanna change the mood and try the food at Rasa Village, MYDIN USJ. we ordered nasi kerabu with chicken. it cost about RM5 per plate. i think it is a little expensive while u can get them outside at about RM3 per plate..after finish up our meals, then go to the market to buy some wet food for sahur...
+ + + + + +
yesterday(10.10.06), went out to break fast at MYDIN USJ. it is just behind our office.. firstly, thought of going to break fast at tesco, but just wanna change the mood and try the food at Rasa Village, MYDIN USJ. we ordered nasi kerabu with chicken. it cost about RM5 per plate. i think it is a little expensive while u can get them outside at about RM3 per plate..after finish up our meals, then go to the market to buy some wet food for sahur...
huh... bukannya sengaja tak update blog ni... tapi tak berkesempatan nak update... maklum la... isnin, selasa mmg bz day bagi aku... nak2 pulak kalau kena hujung bulan dgn awal bulan.... mmg tak sempat nak jengah site ni pun...
hmm... ada berita yg agak mengejutkan la pasal dunia artis tanahair kita ni.... hari kelmarin(selasa) aku dpt berita yg Pak Abbas macam-macam ada....... yg astro tuh dah meninggal sbb sakit tua... ye lah.. mmg dah tua pun dia tu... dan lagi satu berita pagi semalam... penyanyi terkenal kumpulan Freedom suatu masa dulu-dulu.... Seha pun meninggal dunia sebab barah paru-paru...
marilah sama-sama kita sedekahkan Al-Fatihah kepada kedua-duanya...semoga rohnya tenang...
its not that i don't want to update this blog but doesn't have much time to update it... got works to do dude! heheh...works for salary.... usually can update this blog nearly end of the weekend... yeah.... monday and tuesday was my buzy day.... but start wednesday i can feel a little bit relaxing tho..
latest news since yesterday as far as i like tho...
1. Seha past-away(wednesday 11/10) due to lung cancer
2. Pak Abbas(macam-macam ada....) past-away(tuesday 10/10) due to old disease..
hmm... ada berita yg agak mengejutkan la pasal dunia artis tanahair kita ni.... hari kelmarin(selasa) aku dpt berita yg Pak Abbas macam-macam ada....... yg astro tuh dah meninggal sbb sakit tua... ye lah.. mmg dah tua pun dia tu... dan lagi satu berita pagi semalam... penyanyi terkenal kumpulan Freedom suatu masa dulu-dulu.... Seha pun meninggal dunia sebab barah paru-paru...
marilah sama-sama kita sedekahkan Al-Fatihah kepada kedua-duanya...semoga rohnya tenang...
+ + + + + +
its not that i don't want to update this blog but doesn't have much time to update it... got works to do dude! heheh...works for salary.... usually can update this blog nearly end of the weekend... yeah.... monday and tuesday was my buzy day.... but start wednesday i can feel a little bit relaxing tho..
latest news since yesterday as far as i like tho...
1. Seha past-away(wednesday 11/10) due to lung cancer
2. Pak Abbas(macam-macam ada....) past-away(tuesday 10/10) due to old disease..
pagi tadi masa dlm perjalanan nak ke ofis, masa tgh dgr radio era ni....terdengar la krill tu ckp masa dia baca berita pagi di era tu...ajai dan nurul dah tak sebumbung.... alahaiii....artis...artis... pada aku diorang ni nampak cam ok jerr.. ntah apa la kena pulak ni... artis sekarang ni mcm2 la... selalu sgt dah keluar cerita2 yg macamni....

sedikit petikan dari utusan..
"Penyanyi popular, Nurul hari ini mengakui dia dan suaminya komposer, Ajai sudah tidak lagi tinggal sebumbung sejak Ogos lalu.
Kami memang tidak tinggal serumah sejak dua bulan lalu.
Setelah 10 tahun melayari hidup sebagai suami isteri, Nurul berpendapat mereka mungkin hanya serasi sebagai kawan baik.
Ajai, 31, dan Nurul, 29, yang terkenal sebagai pasangan romantis, mendirikan rumah tangga pada 25 Disember 1996 dan memiliki dua anak iaitu Ayu Nazirah,10 dan Muhd. Fairul Ihsan, 8 bulan. Kedua-dua anak mereka kini di bawah jagaan Ajai."
teringat lak lagu tan sri s.m salim.... apa nak jadi...apa nak jadi..... heheheheh... doakan je la yek!
berita penuh sini
this morning while on the way to the office, heard on the radio that our local artist ajai and nurul is not living together anymore since august.. don't know what happen between them.. this is a kind of story which parents don't like to hear... they will relate to this kinda of story if u like to be an artist... they don't want things like this happen....

sedikit petikan dari utusan..
"Penyanyi popular, Nurul hari ini mengakui dia dan suaminya komposer, Ajai sudah tidak lagi tinggal sebumbung sejak Ogos lalu.
Kami memang tidak tinggal serumah sejak dua bulan lalu.
Setelah 10 tahun melayari hidup sebagai suami isteri, Nurul berpendapat mereka mungkin hanya serasi sebagai kawan baik.
Ajai, 31, dan Nurul, 29, yang terkenal sebagai pasangan romantis, mendirikan rumah tangga pada 25 Disember 1996 dan memiliki dua anak iaitu Ayu Nazirah,10 dan Muhd. Fairul Ihsan, 8 bulan. Kedua-dua anak mereka kini di bawah jagaan Ajai."
teringat lak lagu tan sri s.m salim.... apa nak jadi...apa nak jadi..... heheheheh... doakan je la yek!
berita penuh sini
+ + + + + +
this morning while on the way to the office, heard on the radio that our local artist ajai and nurul is not living together anymore since august.. don't know what happen between them.. this is a kind of story which parents don't like to hear... they will relate to this kinda of story if u like to be an artist... they don't want things like this happen....
Labels: news
lega rasanya bila balik semalam hp tu mmg terrrrrtinggal. takut2 tercicir saja. dlm kepala mmg dah pk dah "hallamak.....habis la nak kena kuar duit beli henfon baru pulak ni..... nak raya lagi ni... aduhhhhh" (terus terpk nak beli hp..konon-konon ada duit la tuu...ceit! hehehe)
sib baik ada... ye la.. ye la... aku tetap setia padamu... cehhh.... (terpk jugak bilaaa laaa nak tukar phone ni...)
i feel relief when i found out that my phone is still there, yeah. afraid that the phone might be put else somewhere or stolen. :-) i've already thinking of buying new phones.. hehehe
feel very good when the phone is still there... yes, lots of memory with u!
sib baik ada... ye la.. ye la... aku tetap setia padamu... cehhh.... (terpk jugak bilaaa laaa nak tukar phone ni...)
+ + + + + +
i feel relief when i found out that my phone is still there, yeah. afraid that the phone might be put else somewhere or stolen. :-) i've already thinking of buying new phones.. hehehe
feel very good when the phone is still there... yes, lots of memory with u!
semalam buka puasa ngan bini kat luar... pergi kat TESCO Shah Alam.. buka puasa kat food court.. tu je yang senang... tak payah nak masak apa pun. kitorang mkn claypot chicken mushroom rice atau nama melayunya nasi cendawan ayam. minum pulak air tebu. lepas buka tu masuk dlm TESCO Shah Alam tu kejap sbb ada barang nak beli utk buat kuih raya nanti. ada la beberapa barang lagi yg tak beli lagi... jgn lupa... gula mesti beli... hehehe... aku tgk gula banyak lagi kat tesco tu.. 2kg ada, 1kg pun ada.. tapi sorang terhad 3 bungkus saja. so, terus la aku capai 2kg tu 3 pack.... nanti nak kena beli lagi utk bawak balik kg pulakkk...
yesterday break fast with my wife at tesco. just buy the chicken mushroom rice claypot and sugarcane water.. after enjoying the food (but i think i didn't really enjoy it) we go inside tesco to buy some groceries to prepare for the coming Hari Raya festive. yeah... i like hari raya... where we celebrate after fasting over a month(30 days)... here we are kinda of sugar shortage and i just buy 3 packs of 2kgs... still counting to go back hometown....... still have weeks to go thru.... (dreams.....zzzzzzz)
+ + + + + +
yesterday break fast with my wife at tesco. just buy the chicken mushroom rice claypot and sugarcane water.. after enjoying the food (but i think i didn't really enjoy it) we go inside tesco to buy some groceries to prepare for the coming Hari Raya festive. yeah... i like hari raya... where we celebrate after fasting over a month(30 days)... here we are kinda of sugar shortage and i just buy 3 packs of 2kgs... still counting to go back hometown....... still have weeks to go thru.... (dreams.....zzzzzzz)

kesian dekat pak rashid..lama gila duk kat penjara..dah mcm2 benda yg dia ketinggalan.. cuba korang bayang kan.. dari tahun 1976 sampai laaaa 2006 ni. gila ah. aku tgh bayangkan macammana dia nak adapt dgn teknologi yg ada disekeliling dia.. apa rupa keadaan di luar sana..
+ + + + + +
pity for pak rashid(nation longest prisoner).... can u imagine what he has been past thru all these years. what happen outside his box(jail). from 1976 till 2006.. just imagine how he would adapt with the technology outside there. what it looks alike out there..
Labels: news
hari ni bleh terrrrrtinggal hp kat rmh..bila sampai kat tempat aku, mcm biasalah keluarkan brg2 semua letak atas meje kat ofis ni.. sekali seluk2 poket aku rasa ada benda yg kurang....mcm ada benda yg takda je ni...
aduuuu....rupanya hp aku terrrrrrtinggal.....ah! boleh pulak tertinggal lak. aku mmg jarang terrrtinggal hp, selalunya mana2 aku pergi pun mesti bawak...
pagi tadi dah la aku siap ambik cable, cd nokia pc suite tu, ingat nak transfer file dari hp ke pc... tapi hp tu pulak yg aku tak bawak... ceh
ah...lantak la...
today i forgot to bring my mobile phones. left it at house, actually i never miss it, but today it happens. ah... let it be...
actually today i bring up with me the phone cable, and the nokia pc suite cd, i want to transfer data from the hp to my pc here in the office but i didn't bring the hp. ahh...what happen to me...
aduuuu....rupanya hp aku terrrrrrtinggal.....ah! boleh pulak tertinggal lak. aku mmg jarang terrrtinggal hp, selalunya mana2 aku pergi pun mesti bawak...
pagi tadi dah la aku siap ambik cable, cd nokia pc suite tu, ingat nak transfer file dari hp ke pc... tapi hp tu pulak yg aku tak bawak... ceh
ah...lantak la...
+ + + + + +
today i forgot to bring my mobile phones. left it at house, actually i never miss it, but today it happens. ah... let it be...
actually today i bring up with me the phone cable, and the nokia pc suite cd, i want to transfer data from the hp to my pc here in the office but i didn't bring the hp. ahh...what happen to me...
arghhh...thinking of playing some firecracker this coming Raya celebs....but there's already a raid off. ahha...then, i think i should get this underwater... hihihi....
don't know whether can get those firecracker this year.....
"mercun papan, padi, thunderclap, rocket, katak, naga, ayam..." the names that i still remember...
i still remember my friend say "apa barang main bunga api, mercun baru masyukkkk beb" :-p
on the news today...

THE lure of a quick buck will tempt some during Ramadan by to sell banned firecrackers.
Traders are guaranteed of more than 100 per cent returns, as police found out after questioning two men caught in Ampang Jaya for possession of more than RM50,000 (thats a lot of money beb!) worth of firecrackers on Saturday.
The men told police that for their RM20,000 investment, they could make more than RM30,000 in profits.
State police chief Datuk Yahaya Udin warned those who traded in firecrackers during the festive season to stop their activities. (hehehehe...)
He urged those with information to call the Rakan Cop Hotline at 03-2052-9999. (will u call? i dont know)
A Customs Department official, when contacted last night, said they are also keeping a lookout for smuggled goods such as firecrackers and booze during this festive season. (i wonder where they get those supplies)
In the police raid in Ampang Jaya on Saturday, a 33-year-old offshore worker who wanted to make a killing with the sale of contraband, is looking at spending time in jail (ouch!) when he and a friend were caught with more than RM50,000 worth of firecrackers.
The seizure was the first by police in the Klang Valley since the beginning of Ramadan.
A task force, led by Chief Inspector Marlino Mohamad, staked out a house in Kampung Melayu Tambahan, Ampang, from midnight to 3.30am.
The team saw two men carrying several boxes containing firecrackers into a Kia Spectra and tailed the car before intercepting it.
Police believe the duo were on their way to meet their buyers. Authorities seized seven boxes, containing various types of fire crackers.
The offshore worker and his 32-year-old friend, a self-employed man, led police back to the house.
The living room was stacked with more than 40 boxes of firecrackers ranging from the harmless Pop, Pop to the more high powered Thunder King and Rockets.
It is believed that the duo have been doing this for three years. Ampang Jaya police chief Assistant Commissioner Azri Ahmad said both men have been remanded. (--source malaymail)
***i wonder what happen to the firecracker after being raid? can u guess?
+ nota kaki +
firecrackers - A firecracker or noisemaker is a small explosive device primarily designed to produce a large amount of noise, especially in the form of a loud bang; any visual effect is incidental to this goal.
mercun - campuran bahan kimia yg akan meletup apabila dinyalakan dengan api. sangat merbahaya apabila digunakan dlm kuantiti yg banyak. **larangan keras ke atas kanak-kanak dibawah umur 12 tahun**harus mendapat pengawasan ibu-bapa**
don't know whether can get those firecracker this year.....
"mercun papan, padi, thunderclap, rocket, katak, naga, ayam..." the names that i still remember...
i still remember my friend say "apa barang main bunga api, mercun baru masyukkkk beb" :-p
on the news today...

THE lure of a quick buck will tempt some during Ramadan by to sell banned firecrackers.
Traders are guaranteed of more than 100 per cent returns, as police found out after questioning two men caught in Ampang Jaya for possession of more than RM50,000 (thats a lot of money beb!) worth of firecrackers on Saturday.
The men told police that for their RM20,000 investment, they could make more than RM30,000 in profits.
State police chief Datuk Yahaya Udin warned those who traded in firecrackers during the festive season to stop their activities. (hehehehe...)
He urged those with information to call the Rakan Cop Hotline at 03-2052-9999. (will u call? i dont know)
A Customs Department official, when contacted last night, said they are also keeping a lookout for smuggled goods such as firecrackers and booze during this festive season. (i wonder where they get those supplies)
In the police raid in Ampang Jaya on Saturday, a 33-year-old offshore worker who wanted to make a killing with the sale of contraband, is looking at spending time in jail (ouch!) when he and a friend were caught with more than RM50,000 worth of firecrackers.
The seizure was the first by police in the Klang Valley since the beginning of Ramadan.
A task force, led by Chief Inspector Marlino Mohamad, staked out a house in Kampung Melayu Tambahan, Ampang, from midnight to 3.30am.
The team saw two men carrying several boxes containing firecrackers into a Kia Spectra and tailed the car before intercepting it.
Police believe the duo were on their way to meet their buyers. Authorities seized seven boxes, containing various types of fire crackers.
The offshore worker and his 32-year-old friend, a self-employed man, led police back to the house.
The living room was stacked with more than 40 boxes of firecrackers ranging from the harmless Pop, Pop to the more high powered Thunder King and Rockets.
It is believed that the duo have been doing this for three years. Ampang Jaya police chief Assistant Commissioner Azri Ahmad said both men have been remanded. (--source malaymail)
***i wonder what happen to the firecracker after being raid? can u guess?
+ nota kaki +
firecrackers - A firecracker or noisemaker is a small explosive device primarily designed to produce a large amount of noise, especially in the form of a loud bang; any visual effect is incidental to this goal.
mercun - campuran bahan kimia yg akan meletup apabila dinyalakan dengan api. sangat merbahaya apabila digunakan dlm kuantiti yg banyak. **larangan keras ke atas kanak-kanak dibawah umur 12 tahun**harus mendapat pengawasan ibu-bapa**
Labels: news